Optimal Riding Comfort

The Advantages of a Proper Bike Fitting:

Having a bike ergonomically fitted guarantees riding comfort and enjoyment for the cyclist whatever their goals may be.

Looking for more intense rides, more riding comfort or more pleasure for your next ride?

Having your bike professionally adjusted will increase your biking experience to the next level.

Bike fittings are included with the purchase of all road bikes or performance hybrids and is guaranteed for 1 year from the date of fitting.

The Procedure:

We begin with a preliminary analysis of your physical condition, your history of injuries, and ask about your riding objectives. Next, we will measure your height and your leg length.

With the help of the ‘Juteau-Cantin’ fit-kit, we will establish the proper height and forward and back position of the seat using precise angle measurements. The seat position is thoroughly analysed to ensure it is well suited to the rider’s hamstrings. Body position and angling on the bike is also examined and adjusted to ensure riding comfort for longer rides. To ensure hand and wrist comfort, the angle of the handlebars and the brake levers are also fitted to the rider.

To ensure optimal pedal stroke, we adjust the position of the feet on the pedals and the cleats underfoot to make sure they are properly adjusted.


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